Thursday, 24 May 2018

The Pillars Of Digital Marketing

As consumers continue to go digital, organizations must keep up in promoting their products and services. Conventional marketing methods are still necessary, but these should be supplemented by marketing through online channels to expand reach, increase touch points with audience, and provide more value to customers.

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Some of the fundamental elements of a digital marketing campaign are the following:


“What gets measured gets done.” A metric has to be established to determine if a digital marketing drive is successful or needs improvement. By checking on a variety of marketing metrics, such as click-through rates, impressions, cost per click, and many others, a company can track if its efforts are being converted into sales or referrals.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO remains an important pillar of digital marketing because it helps increase the visibility of a business and bring in traffic online without the need for advertisements.

Social media marketing

With billions of people having at least one social media account, it makes sense to implement social media marketing. A few of the many advantages it has over other digital marketing strategies is that it allows a business to engage or interact with their audience and social analytics are useful in determining customer preferences.

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Mobile marketing

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops have shaped how people live, consequently revolutionizing the marketing industry. By targeting consumers with such devices, business can gain more mileage in marketing.

Eddie O’ Brien has had a notable career serving in various multinational companies, including Coca-Cola and Microsoft. Currently, he is the CEO of Americas at Arvato Bertelsmann, a BPO services provider that offers digital marketing solutions. For more discussions about the industry, visit this Facebook page.